Windemere Farm
Windemere Farm is in central Wisconsin and has been in operation since 2008. Anne and John Proctor and approximately 35 AHCA registered Highlands call this place home. We are committed to breeding structurally sound productive cattle with great temperaments and abundant breed character and achieve this through diverse genetics and extensive use of AI. You'll see Windemere heifers in the show ring as well as heifers and semen consigned to national and regional Highland sales. We occasionally have heifers, bull prospects and steers available privately. Our embryo collection program has focused on preserving genetics of older proven dams for our own use. We prefer to see several calves out of a cow before making the decision to collect embryos. We anticipate flushing several of our favorites in 2025 and may have embryos available in the future. Contact us if you'd like to visit or have interest in adding a Windemere heifer to your herd.