Windemere Farm

Anne & John Proctor

3960 County Road HO 

Junction City, WI  54443 


Contact Us

Windemere Farm raises quality registered Highland cattle that excel in the show ring and go on to be productive brood cows. Our show schedule covers that middle 3rd of the US and culminates at the National Highland Show in Denver, Colorado. We usually consign cattle to the NCHCA Production Sale and the National Sale at the National Western Stock Show and occasionally have animals for sale privately. Semen is available from several bulls and a limited number of embryos are for sale from some of our favorite cow lines. Anne has had leadership roles in the North Central Highland Cattle Association, been on the Board of Directors for AHCA and currently is the editor of the breed magazine, The Bagpipe. The farm is located in Junction City, Wisconsin, and John and Anne welcome visitors whether you are looking to purchase or wanting to learn more about the breed.