Become a member of the MWHCA
Becoming a member of the Midwest Highland Cattle Association not only gives you access to tools, resources and educational info but also connects you to other amazing Highland breeders. You will join a network of like-minded breeders and have the opportunity to join and participate in networking events + regional shows.
Membership dues are payable by January 31, for the year.
Dues are $40.00 per year, and this includes:
FREE listing of your farm, with provided description, and location of your farm on this website.
Link to your farm Facebook page plus display farm logo. Submit both to pat@midwesthighlands.org.
Up to 10 photos added to your farm listing as long as they are digital and sent via email to pat@midwesthighlads.org.
Advertising privileges on the website; up to 2 free ads on the website per year. See advertising policy.
All online members, with an active email address, will receive contact information for any and all Highland cattle inquiries made through this website.
Those who does not pay their dues by March 31 of the new year, will have their listing removed from the site.
Convenient online payment available below.
If you choose to pay via check, please send to the Treasurer:
Travis Proksch
c/o Steven Palosaari
41482 Pike River Rd.
Chassell, MI 49916