Four T Acres
Four T Acres LLC is a 4th generation farm that started as a by hand milking dairy farm in the late 1800s. We are located in South Eastern Wisconsin 30 miles off Lake Michigan and about a hour North of Chicago. We started with 3 bred cows and 3 other calves originally receiving a freebie as that mom was sold and shipped west without her baby. So began our adventures with this jaw dropping breed in June of 2000. It's been a great adventure from a small only utilizing part of our farm to taking it back from renters completely. It was slow as we quite literally hard to start from scratch with pasture fences, equipment, machinery and us learning what worked best for us. We take new people under our wings and offer help whenever we can. We also have a private school from Chicago come ever year to learn about basic farming, handling animals, calving and castration. Even the Superintendent and Principal have come out to see why the kids are so excited about there visits. These are 6th graders and very knowledgeable. Over the week we have anywhere from 60 to 80 that visit. From one year to the next they ask if this cow or bull are still here. We so some shows but are a working farm raising all of our own crops for our animals to eat, by doing that our road time is precious. We are also available to one and all that want to visit. If you are more than a day trip away we feed you and give you a bed, that way we can visit and talk Highlands.